Tuesday, June 26, 2007

More Podcasts

Found another cool podcast. There's a bunch with Broadway show music, these last an hour or so.

Colonial Podcast

I added an RSS feed to Bloglines from Colonial Williamsburg. It's a nice thing to hear someone read the Declaration of Independence like it's on the radio. They have a lot of podcasts on different subjects at CW.

I found this by looking for podcasts on Google. There's a lot out there. I want to figure out more ways to find music.

Youtube...and a box of cookies, please...

It's been a long time since I saw this classic Sesame Street piece. Imagine, a frazzled librarian!!! Never seen one of those!


On the serious side. YouTube has lots of great things and not so great things to watch. I found Chevy transformer truck commercials, videos of Eric Clapton and John Mayer and personal videos from people, who I guess just want to be famous.

Libraries want to be famous, right? And, some of them are doing videos and placing them on YouTube - is this a way we could make short little tutorials on using our catalog and other services?

Just ramblings.....

Web 2.0 - Pandora's Box is now Open.....

What a list. Lots to look at. I looked at colorbender.com and created a blend of colors that resembles the colors in my living room. That was a lot of fun. I also looked www.thebroth.com and checked out online art - some of that was just fascinating. I liked that a lot, since the computer is so visual, this seems like a great use of a screen, and a chance to look at original stuff without going to a gallery. I liked it a lot.

Pandora - what can I say? Thanks to my CC coworker for letting me in on this secret. Because of Pandora - I discovered Nick Garrie-Hamilton. Very weird, cool and just different. Here's a link to his myspace page:

I even bought the CD. Although the song that plays when you open the myspace page is new and not on it. I've enjoyed listening to this guy and keeping up with him.


Monday, June 25, 2007

Google Docs


I created the above document in google docs. I was able to save it as a Word document.
I liked that I can create documents in google docs and save them as pdfs. Al in all, very interesting to explore and if I can remember, it will give me some new options.

The Sandbox

Okay - this Wiki worked very similar to what we use at CCPL. But, I have never added a link to any of our CCPL wikis, so that was a new experience - it reminded me of editing html, which I did on a very limited basis a long time ago. But, fun. I also added a favorite author's website to the favorite books page.

See - I think wikis (with monitoring) could be a good tool to use with our customers.

Wikis the thing..wherein we'll catch the conscience of the patron?

Maybe....this is could be a tool to help us capture what our patrons are thinking about books, movies, music, etc. that we have on our shelves. Bull Run Library had a wiki produced by a patron. Of course this could be something we would have to monitor in some fashion. But it might be nice to get our patrons to put their reviews out there, just like on amazon.com. We could start the ball rolling with our staff picks and then encourage our users to add their thoughts. Just thinking while I'm typing.