Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Web 2.0 - Pandora's Box is now Open.....

What a list. Lots to look at. I looked at colorbender.com and created a blend of colors that resembles the colors in my living room. That was a lot of fun. I also looked www.thebroth.com and checked out online art - some of that was just fascinating. I liked that a lot, since the computer is so visual, this seems like a great use of a screen, and a chance to look at original stuff without going to a gallery. I liked it a lot.

Pandora - what can I say? Thanks to my CC coworker for letting me in on this secret. Because of Pandora - I discovered Nick Garrie-Hamilton. Very weird, cool and just different. Here's a link to his myspace page:

I even bought the CD. Although the song that plays when you open the myspace page is new and not on it. I've enjoyed listening to this guy and keeping up with him.


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